Creating a world we want to see! 
Guided by unseen aspects and mystery of life.

We want to see a world where people are feeling more connected, in flow, able to do things effectively and efficiently, and are feeling fulfilled when they return home.

How this started?

Co-Creative Solutions was founded in Oct 2018 by Umesh Mangroliya with an idea of creating stress-free and more humane workplaces. He was feeling that current ways of working are mainly taking care of the “operational” aspect of the things, but not the “human”. In his earlier days of career,  Umesh himself experienced that he needed to wear different masks on his being, and not be his true self. He observed that he needed to put his humanness aside just to keep things going. His continuous thirst for finding humane and effective ways of working has led him to many discoveries. The work at Co-Creative Solutions is a result of these discoveries.

Intentional Partnership

We don’t take on clients, we form partnerships with intention, and we’re in it for the long haul. Our strength lies in co-creating processes, tools, and structures that keep people aligned towards their vision and intention.  We don’t pretend to have all the answers. In fact, we don’t have answers at all.  Instead, we promise to work with you, and co-create a novel approaches to address your situation.

Our work starts from the day we first interact, not from the day we decide to work together. 

Our intention is to help you see a more complete picture and make choices that lead you towards your vision & fulfill your intention. 

We do it by bringing tools, processes, and structures for doing things & working together, and by working with a lot of empathy, patience, humanness, and love.

People behind this work

Umesh Mangroliya


Biren Shah


John Buck


Maulik Ranpariya


Our beliefs
  1. We always have a choice – even when we feel that we don’t have a choice, we are making a choice!
  2. We need to interact in order to raise individual and group awareness, and to make a better choice
  3. Every individual has the capacity to see, sense and create things
  4. We need to have time for enough pauses and reflect on what we are doing, how we are doing things, in order to be more aligned to vision & intention
  5. People & organization thrive when they work together cohesively & effectively
  6. If you are a for-profit organization, and financially struggling, you need to work on sales first. No other intervention will help you much. (connect with us if you want to know why we  say this)
  7. When people come together, their collective awareness is more than the sum of all the individuals’ awareness
  8. There is always something more than what we know. We should make spaces for the unknown to surface and guide us.