We help you see and make a choice!

We work with organizations, communities, and groups to see if their ways of doing things and working together is in alignment with the vision & intention.

If not, we help them make choices that lead them towards it more effectively and efficiently.

We can work in the area of​
  • Policy Development

  • Governance

  • Project Planning, Implementation & Review

  • Collaborative & Collective Initiative

  • Places where thinking happens and decisions are made

  • Gap Analysis: Gap between where you are and what you intend

We can help you when your organization is​
  • starting something new (be it a project, policy, or initiative)
  • looking for/ needing a change in how people do things and work together
  • not able to make any  clear decision and when situation is volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous.
  • facing difference in perspectives of team members
  • dealing with conflict
  • sensing indifference in people
  • intending to increase people’s participation and engagement
We work towards​
  • facilitative changes

what we mean by facilitative changes

Involving the very people we are working together with,

to facilitate the change they are looking for. 

  • common and higher good of everyone involved
  • sustainability
  • showing up with our humanity
  • humanity at large
Our work excludes working with​
  • Individuals : need at least 3 or more people
  • Individual orientation, views, and interests
  • Pharmaceutical organizations: the way the whole pharmaceutical industry drives health doesn’t resonate with us
How we work​
  • see & clarify: what are you intending at this moment?
  • co-sense: what’s happening right now?- Understanding a system from the inside
  • crystallize: what do we want to keep doing/having and what do we want to do/have differently?- crystallizing of vision & intention
  • co-create:  design a prototype that includes new ways of doing things & working which align more towards your vision & intention
Who could benefit most from our work​
  • Intentional organizations and communities
  • NGOs
  • Group of people who are coming together to meet a shared objective
  • Institutes
  • Local Government
What people say about us